Frequently Asked Questions
about Fingerprints

Updated 20 January 2009

The FAQs on this page have resulted from the most common questions the Webmaster has received in recent years.

Click here to post new questions on a Forum (not this page) and read an answer soon. 

The answers on this page come from several sources, including Certified Latent Print Examiners at crime labs in America and Fellows of The Fingerprint Society.  Insofar as possible, content conforms with guidelines of the IAI, and the FBI Laboratory sponsored Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology (SWGFAST).  Officially though, these answers do not purport to represent anything other than Ed German's general topic answers about fingerprints. 

Comments and suggestions are welcome. 


    The two basic ideas scientists believe about fingerprints are: 
    • Fingerprints never change.  Small ridges form on a person's hands and feet before they are born and do not change for as long as the person lives. 

    • No two fingerprints are alike.  The ridges on the hands and feet of all persons have three characteristics (ridge endings, birfurcations and dots) which appear in combinations that are never repeated on the hands or feet of any two persons. A ridge ending is simply the end of a ridge.  A bifurcation is a Y-shaped split of one ridge into two.  A dot is a very short ridge that looks like a "dot."
     John Q. Public's Answer        Police Officer's Answer
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Universal Latent Workstation graphic The Universal Latent Workstation is the first in a new generation of interoperable latent workstations. Several state and local agencies, the FBI, NIST, and the AFIS vendors have been working together on standards to improve interoperability and sharing of latent identification services. The ULW is part of that program. It helps agencies and AFIS vendors understand and develop the concept of encode once and search anywhere. With the ULW you can create a native feature set for Printrak, Cogent, Morpho, NEC and IAFIS. Ultimately, standards-based workstations, such as the ULW, will provide you with the ability to search local, state, neighboring and the FBI IAFIS system, all with a single encoding.

Additional information regarding ULW in PDF format, (pdf 106k)

Additional information regarding ULW (HTML Version)

remote fingerprint editing graphic The Remote Fingerprint Editing Software provides the fingerprint identification community with a free and complete software package to perform remote searches into the FBI's IAFIS. RFES supports all remote IAFIS transactions to include image and features-based searches for both latent and ten-print fingerprints. RFES editing and human interface were developed based on use and advice of both local law enforcement and FBI latent specialists.

Additional information regarding RFES in PDF format. (pdf 134k)



















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