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Post Number: 75
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2019 - 03:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Subjects needed for Fingerprint Training Validation Study
Received 12 May 2019 from Tom Busey

I'm Tom Busey, a professor at Indiana University. I've worked with fingerprint examiners ever since I was recruited by John Vanderkolk in 2002, and we have published over a dozen papers and had 3 NIJ grants during this time. I also serve on Pattern/Physics SAC for OSAC.

We are beginning a new study that I think could be transformative for how new examiners are trained, and may also help existing examiners learn to see through the noise for difficult latents.

The tool is called Visual Bootstrapping, and it provides perceptual calisthenics that are designed to improve the abilities and decisions of examiners when analyzing latent print impressions.

We need to validate this approach before making it available to the community. We are looking for participants who are willing to spend 8-10 hours working through the training exercises over the course of 3-4 weeks.

We need 52 latent print examiners, so this is going to take real commitment from the community.

The exercises are all online, and you can do them at home or at work if you can get permission, and I'm happy to provide the consent form if you'd like to get on-duty permission.

Please email me at if you are willing to participate. I want to emphasize that it is very time-consuming, because we are actually trying to improve your visual system and much like working out at a gym, change doesn't happen quickly. Thus we are looking for examiners who are truly dedicated to their profession.

You are also welcome to forward this to other examiners if you like. We only require that participants be qualified to testify to fingerprint conclusions in their home country.



Thomas Busey
Professor of Cognitive Science
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

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