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Posted on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 09:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I study forensic investigation in chile.
I realize my work of qualifications, for which I am compiling information it brings over of the developing of finger fingerprints in human skin(leather). Topic that in chile does not have precedents or has not been investigated still , for which I meet obliged to look for experiences in other countries.
I request him answer me if he, knows about the topic and if you can support me with links or documents.

If you can answer me in Spanish, I be be to her very grateful, if his(her,your) response is in English, I am grateful for him equally
In advance I am grateful for his help.
Cecilia Mancilla Yáñez
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Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 05:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

And, you can also click here to read a short overview about developing prints on skin (it's from the "Expert topics" link at
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Ernie Hamm
Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 03:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Here are some references:

A Compilation of Techniques for Processing Deceased Human Skin for Latent Prints, Bettencourt, Delores, Journal of Forensic Identification, 41:2, (1991)
Discussion on various techniques

A Conventional Method for Lifting Latent Fingerprints from Human Skin Surfaces, Reichardt, G.J., J.C. Carr and E.G. Stone, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 23:1 (1978)
Use of kromekote paper and magnetic powder

A Modified Iodine-Silver Technique for Developing Latent Prints From Human Skin, Paige, Joseph A., Identification News, 27:7 (1977)

About Methods to Develop Latent Fingerprints on Human Skin, Hammer, H.J., Fingerprint Whorld (Brit), 8:23 (1983)
X-ray, laser, iodine fuming, power and lift and kromekote methods

An Alternative "G.R.I.T." Technique, Hoyser, Russell, Journal of Forensic Identification, 42:3, (1992)
Use of plastic film instead of glass for latents on skin

Cyanoacrylate Ester-Latent from Murdered Body, Hamilton, J. and J. DiBattista, Fingerprint Whorld (Brit), 11:41 (1985)

Detection of Fingerprints on Skin, Allman, D.S. and C.A. Pounds, Forensic Science Review, 3:83 (1991) A review of electronography, iron powder-Dakty foil, iodine-silver, Kromekote and laser methods

Developing Fingermarks on Dead Bodies, Luff, Ken, Fingerprint Whorld (Brit), 21:80 (1995)
General discussion of current methods being presented

Developing Latent Fingerprints by X-Rays, Anon., ETC Bulletin (IACP), 76:11 (1976)
Lead powder technique on documents, cloth, and skin

Development of Latent Fingerprints from Skin, Fortunato, Susan L. and Gary Walton, Journal of Forensic Identification, 48:6 (1999)
Article on the different methods being used for latent prints on skin to include 'spray print'

Development of Latent Fingerprints-Iodine Silver Transfer Method, Foley, J.F., Identification News, 22:3 (1972)

Development of Latent Prints on Human Skin, Anon., Crime Laboratory Digest (FBI), Unknown date Discussion on the iodine-silverplate transfer technique

Electrostatic Technique for Extraction of Fingerprints from the Human Skin, Edwards, W.F., Fingerprint Whorld (Brit), 5:19 (1980)
Technique for latent prints on deceased - not DELK

Europium Aryl-*-Diketone Complexes as Fluorescent Dyes for...Cyanoacrylate Developed Fingerprints on Human Skin, Wilkinson, D.A. and J.E. Watkin, Forensic Science International, 60, 67-79 (1993)

Fingerprint Detection Methods on Skin: Experimental Study on 16 Live Subjects and 23 Cadavers, Hebrard, Jacques and Alain Donche, Journal of Forensic Identification, 44:6 (1994)
Discussion on various techniques with sequence. Good bibliography CA fuming most successful

Fingerprints From Skin Using the Magna Brush Techniques, Haslett, M., Identification News, 33:2 (1983)

First Skin Print Success, Berry, John E., Fingerprint Whorld (Brit), 4:14 (1978)
Miami case of latent recovered from skin

Glass Recovery Investigative Technique: G.R.I.T., Sampson, William C., Journal of Forensic Identification, 42:2, (1992)
"Lifting" latents from skin with pieces of glass

Identification of Fingerprints Left on Human Skin, Shin, D.H. and D.G. Argue, Journal of the Canadian Forensic Science Society (Cand.), 9:2 (1976)
Iodine and Silver Plate technique with time periods for success

Laser Detection of Latent Fingerprints on Skin, Menzel, E.R., Journal of Forensic Sciences, 27:4 (1982)
Use of Mars Red powder and R6G dye with laser

Lifting Latents From Skin, Fricker, Eric W., Law Enforcement Technology, 19:5 (1992)
Discusses iodine-silver plate, CA, Kromekote, magna brush and silicone rubber lift methods

New Method for Recovering Latent Fingerprints From Skin, Feldman, M.A., C.E. Meloan and J.L. Lambert, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 27:4 (1982)
Iodine-fumes with leuco crystal violet (LCV) treated photo film as lifting medium

Postmortem Latent Print Recovery from Skin Surfaces, Delmas, Brian J., Journal of Forensic Identification, 38:2, (1988)
Body CA fumed, dusted with R6G/magna, and breath applied with laser

The Detection and Persistence of Latent Fingerprints on Human Skin: An Assessment of Iodine-Silver Plate Method, Gray, C., Journal of the Forensic Science Society (Brit), 18, 47-52 (1978)

Thenoyl Europium Chelate: A New Fluorescent Dye...Cyanoacrylate Developed.Cadavers, Misner, Al H., Della Wilkinson and John Watkin, Journal of Forensic Identification, 43:2, (1993)
Technique for staining latents on human skin and other surfaces

A Comparison of Techniques for the Visualization of Fingerprints on Human Skin including the Application of Iodine and x-Naphthoflavone, Wilkinson, D.A., J.E. Watkin and A.H. Misner, Journal of Forensic Identification, 46:4, (1996)
Experiments show that latents on skin can be developed after 1-3 hours with various methods

A Comparison of Techniques for the Visualization of Fingerprints...(Correction), Wilkinson, D.A., J.E. Watkin and A.H. Misner, Journal of Forensic Identification, 46:6, (1996)
Correction in cited article in Volume 46:4

Ernie Hamm
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deborah wichlep
Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 07:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

seeking information on the development of latent fingerprint impressions on human skin (cadavers)
best development techniques etc.

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