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Ryan P. Lamonte (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 - 10:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

thanks for the providing me the information that i need.from znarfrevilo_20@yahoo.com
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Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 01:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

In 1883, Gilbert Thompson (of fingerprint history fame) and Tom Watson (a mule skinner) coaxed two mules (named Dynamite and Croppy) to the 14,162 foot summit of Mount Shasta in California. As a local historian and member of the Board of Directors of the Mount Shasta Sisson Museum, Perry Sims has been seeking (for over 20 years) to complete the story of Dynamite and Croppy with a photo of Gilbert Thompson.

At the Mount Shasta bibliography website here there is information about the how Croppy met his demise:
...the passing of Croppy, a highly respected mule attached to the Topographical Engineers Corps... fell over a cliff somewhere in Oregon near Dutton Cliff [photo, topo map]: "Again however he became frisky, and pitched head long over a rocky precipice five hundred feet high. As his limbs mixed with those of the trees below, the thoughts of the spectators above were 'There goes all that is mortal of Croppy, who climbed to the top of Mt. Shasta, but died in a lonely canyon, by his own hand in a fit of temporary insanity. Let him R.I.P."
Gilbert Thompson's descendant Linda Nicholson Tinney <email electra@electracat.com> has furnished the following information:
Gilbert Thompson

--Born: 21 Mar 1839 - Mendon, Massachusetts
--Died: 9 Jun 1909 - Washington, DC
--Gilbert Thompson married Mary McNeal
--Gilbert Thompson and Mary (McNeal) Thompson had a daughter named Amy Grier Thompson (Born 14 Aug 1872 in Washington, DC)
--Gilbert Thompson's father was William Venner Thompson (Born 19 Nov 1813 in Mendon, Massachusetts - died 11 Feb 1882 in Blackstone, Massachusetts)
--Gilbert Thompson's mother was Harriet Gilbert
At the historical website about Hopedale, Massachusetts here, the following information (with 1840 instead of 1839 as the birth year) is posted in response to Perry Sims' query to that forum:
...from Ellen Patrick's story in Hopedale Reminiscences:
We were given instruction in drawing. Gilbert Thompson, whose affection of the old place and friends was strong to the last, and who had hoped to share in these memories, was able to take up the work of a topographical engineer, without further preparation, and to become, finally, a leading topographer; and Lizzie Humphrey, our real artist, received here her first preparation for the career in which she won distinction. Dear Lizzie, loveliest of girls, and always our Queen of the May.

Thompson died in 1909. Hopedale Reminiscences was published in 1910. Evidently he [Thompson] had planned to write his memories for it.
More information on Thompson turned up in Ballou's History of Milford and in Who Was Who:
Thompson, Gilbert, son of William V. and Harriet (Gilbert)Thompson, b. in So. Mendon, now Blackstone, March 21, 1840; came to Hopedale, along with his mr. (who joined our Community), in 1849; served apprenticeship, etc., in our printing-office 4 yrs.; enlisted at Boston in the U.S. regular army, in a corps of topographical engineers, Nov. 23, 1861; served in that department 3 yrs., and, after an honorable discharge, was engaged by government to continue in the same business, in which he has remained till the present time. He m. Mary McNeal, pedigree, etc., not given; cer. Washington City, Oct., 1869. Issue: -- Amy Grier, b. Washington, D.C., Aug. 14, 1872. Mr. T. has had a successful career in life. Hi is not only a man of sterling intellectual capabilities, but of generous sentiments, noble moral principles, and of unswerving integrity. As a civil and military engineer, he has won distinction and golden commendations. An interesting and valuable article appeared in "The American Journal of Science," vol. xix, May 1880, by G.K. Gilbert, on "The Outlet of Lake Bonnville." This name, "Bonnville," is the name given to a vast body of water, presumed by geologists to have once covered the desert basins of Utah to the height of a thousand feet above the present level of Great Salt Lake. In that article the author thus speaks of our Mr. Thompson: "After the publication of my former article, I learned that the outlet had been independently discovered by my friend, Mr. Gilbert Thompson; and I am glad to give him credit. Mr. Thompson is not a professional geologist, but he is an expert topographer; and his close study of the natural forms, which it is his work to delineate, has more than once led to observations valuable to the geologist with whom he has been associated. I quote the following from his letter dated April 10, 1878: 'Thanks for your brochure, The Ancient Outlet of Great Salt Lake. The past season I was along the northern limits of the ancient lake, between 111 deg. And 112 deg, 22?, 30?, and was absolutely ignorant of your examination of its limits, and also of its outlet. Toward the last of the season, as I surveyed from the north the road through Red Rock Pass, after noting the remarkable topographical features of Marsh Creek, and keeping a close run of the profile as given by the aneroid, I was delighted at Red Rock to see unmistakable evidences of the ancient outlet of Great Salt Lake. Thus you may have the gratification of knowing of an independent and entirely unbiased verification of your determination on this point; and it is nowhere else within the limits I have mentioned.'" Mr. T. has been on topographical service in Utah for several yrs., and is still there. Adin Ballou, History of Milford, pp. 1064 - 1065.

Thompson, Gilbert, topographer U.S. Geological Survey; b. Blackstone, Mass, March 21 1839; [1840, according to Ballou] s. William Venner and Harriet (Gilbert) T.; ed. common sch.; m. Mary Frances Reed McNeil, (McNeal, according to Ballou) Sept 28, 1869. Printer by trade; soldier, U. S. engr. Battalion, Nov. 22, 1861 to Nov. 21, 1864; asst. engr. Headquarters Army of Potomic, 1864 - 1865 on Western explorations and surveys, etc., 1866 - ; comd. Engr. Battalion, D.C. militia, 1890 - 98; historian Veteran U.S. Engrs. Assn. Address: Washington, D.C. Died 1909. Who Was Who.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Office of History website includes a historical reference to Gilbert Thompson here, where it mentions that he served with a Medal of Honor recipient SGM Frederick W. Gerber.

Perry Sims requests that anyone with photographs of Gilbert Thompson email him at sims-inspect@sbcglobal.net
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Perry Sims
Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 11:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Submitted to the Webservant by email from Perry Sims <sims-inspect@sbcglobal.net>:
...I am a Northern California historian in search of a picture of Gilbert Thompson. He effected our local history in a way not at all related to fingerprints. I believe his image was in the 1938 merit badge handbook, but I have not been able to confirm this for two years!

Very recent information from Thompson's childhood home town seems to suggest that the image may be there.

Do you have a copy, or access to an early copy that may picture Gilbert Thompson?

I have recently uncovered a significant amount of information about his early life. There is much I can trade for a picture of the man.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Perry Sims
Board of Directors

Sisson Museum
Mt. Shasta, CA

Perry Sims
Sims Inspection Service
539-926-6675 Fax

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