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Iain McKie
Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 05:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Just when I thought that SCRO and the Scottish prosecution system had lost the capacity to shock and surprise me I woke up to today’s headline in the ‘Sunday Herald’ - ‘Anger as McKie experts still verifying prints’.

This astonishing article reveals that the three experts who wrongly identified the ‘Shirley McKie and Marion Ross prints’ are now employed within SCRO on quality control duties verifying the identifications of other experts.

This is while they still refuse to admit the errors and we know that in 1997 FIVE of their colleagues refused to verify their identifications. There is also clear evidence that an independent Police enquiry recommended their prosecution and a civil hearing is scheduled for February of next year.

I must assume that these verification duties are being performed with the full knowledge of the Minister for Justice, Lord Advocate, HMCIC, Scottish Chief Constables and the management of SCRO. I will be writing to all the above towards the end of this week asking what action they intend to take. With these letters I will be sending any e-mail responses I get from experts and supporters worldwide. I urge all 171 experts who signed the earlier statement to the Minister for Justice in May 2002 and others who feel moved to comment to either post their comments on this site or contact me via the e-mail link provided on

Where requested strict confidentiality/anonymity will be maintained.

Shirley is quoted in the article as saying, “I am absolutely stunned. By doing this it appears the system has vindicated these three and is tantamount to calling me a liar. It is a disgrace.” If you share her feelings please contact us now.

Full story:
(Breaking news – Beyond belief!!

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