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Iain McKie
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 04:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

‘That was the week that was.’

The 8th anniversary of Marion Ross’s death in Kilmarnock on 6th January 1997 has passed without her murderer being apprehended. While fighting Shirley to have the truth covered up the authorities, who have never given a reason for doing so, resolutely refuse to re-open the murder enquiry.

As intimated in this week’s ‘breaking news’ a number of requests have gone out for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Given the 17 categories of exemption cited in the Act where information does not need to be given some inventive responses are anticipated.


Cross party talks are well underway at the Scottish Parliament and next month Shirley and Iain are hoping to meet a delegation made up of MSP’s from all parties who have concerns about important constitutional and other issues the case has raised.

In addition to the fairness and equity issues involved in any 8 year fight for justice it has become increasingly clear that the position of some of the major players supporting SCRO has become compromised and untenable.

In December Iain wrote to all Chief Constables asking them, “to search your conscience, act with vision and humanity and consider contacting the Minister for Justice adding your voice to those asking that in the name of just ice an early resolution be found.”

To date – not a reply!!! It is always intriguing when powerful men are struck dumb.

‘Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak.’ (John Adams)


The ‘Shirley McKie Story’ goes on the road again this year with Shirley’s father Iain already signed up to speak in Liverpool, Leeds and Calgary in Canada. Past trips have taken him to places as far apart as Cardiff and Miami and he is finding that interest in the case is increasing rather than waning. Time and time again he is asked how SCRO can continue to deny any mistakes or wrongdoing when the international fingerprint community has totally condemned the Scottish experts.


As they focus on the February 2006 civil hearing the McKie family would like to thank everyone who has come forward with information and support. Remember the news and correspondence archives are being regularly updated on this site that will soon provide a comprehensive overview of the case. It is a pity that our openness is not matched by those who still seek to have the truth covered up.

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