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Iain McKie
Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 01:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Shirley’s lawyers are gearing themselves up for the civil hearing in 15 months time. Although a long way away lots of work has to be done collecting and developing evidence and obtaining documents and other evidence so far denied us by the opposition. A number of high profile police officers and leaders from the Scottish Justice system are expected to be called to give evidence.

As some of you might be aware Shirley and I were nominated as ‘Campaigners of the Year’ and narrowly lost out to a young Scots couple who had bravely campaigned in Scotland and Turkey after their young son was killed in crossfire while they were sitting in a Turkish restaurant.

Attending the recent inauguration of the Henry Fauld’s memorial in Beith Ayrshire and meeting Ed German and Allan Bayle again was a particular pleasure. The failure of the Police, SCRO, the Scottish Fingerprint Service and the Fingerprint Society to be represented at this celebration of the Scottish pioneer of fingerprinting caused some raised eyebrows.

We hope everyone is keeping up to date with the Faulds memorial and other news at . There are almost daily updates.

The latest ‘breaking news’ concerns a number of parallels that have become apparent between the 'Mayfield’ and ‘McKie’ cases. Your comments on site would be interesting.

Thanks once again for the many experts who continue to support Shirley. This has been an inspiration to us.

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