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Iain McKie
Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 06:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Shirley McKie Update

Below is a selection of the news coverage from the very successful press conference held yesterday in Glasgow.

Shirley is extremely grateful to Kasey Wertheim and his colleagues who prepared the latest report supporting Shirley in her fight against SCRO.

What impresses me about the new technology is not so much that its findings agree with what experts worldwide have known for years – that SCRO is wrong – but that it now seems possible that its use in court will allow judges, lawyers and juries to finally understand what is being presented by expert fingerprint witnesses. Court presentations will have to improve and this can only be for the good.

We also launched Shirley’s website:
and we hope to hear from experts worldwide via the ‘Friends of Shirley’ section. The website contains a lot of previously unpublished material.

It will take some time to get the balance right and we will welcome articles/information from experts.

On the legal front we await a decision by the Scottish Ministers acting for SCRO whether they intend to pursue their attempt to block a civil hearing in the Court of Session. Perhaps the only way for the truth now to come out is for all parties in the dispute to appear before a court. I look forward to hearing what the Lord Advocate, Minister for Justice and Police and SCRO have to say in their defence of SCRO.

As always best wishes from Shirley to all of you who support Shirley in her search for the truth.

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