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James K. Olmstead
Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 11:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Originally submitted by James K. Olmstead on 27 Dec 03:
I do historical research for the development of historical filmscripts. One of my research projects is called "Questions of Integrity" and it deals with the presented fingerprint evidence connected to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

I take no position on the assassination, this project part of my main body of research "The Path to Dallas" is based on resolving issues of conflict connected to various items of evidence presented in the investigation.

I recently presented my concerns in Pittsburgh, Pa, at the JFK Symposium, held by the Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law. The first part of my goal in this effort was to make those interested aware of some of the conflicts, show some of the "questions" and obtain input from experts in the fingerprint identification field.

Dr. Henry Lee, found my work interesting and worth further research, so as far as I'm concerned the first goal has been reached.

My second goal deals with this request posting. I need to find interested fingerprint examiners, willing to work with me in resolving the conflicts. I have no problem with being proven wrong as long as the issues are resolved without "conflict" of opinion among the experts.

I have no formal education in fingerprint examination however I have made the effort to learn what I can so I at least address the issues properly.

I do not follow this forum, however I will be over the next few months. I have no problem sharing my material that has been made public and if possible provide this forum with images and questions to be addressed.

If anyone wishes to email me for further discussion...please put JFK in the subject header so I do not delete the email.

I welcome any interested individual to contact me via email, I believe that this issue has historical value and would be of interest to many on this forum.

Thanks for your time.

James K. Olmstead

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