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meghan chaple
| Posted on Saturday, May 04, 2002 - 11:32 pm: |
wHAT IS THE SPECIAL LIGHT THEY USE TO SEE THE FINGERPRINTS ON SOME WALLS? I have seen it used on the show on CBS which is C.S.I. |
Kasey Wertheim
| Posted on Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 07:39 am: |
Mike, I saw your message yesterday and decided to let someone else more familiar with the FBI 10-print system answer your inquiry, but nobody has replied yet... so I'll give it a shot. I presume you mean when someone's fingerprints are sent to the FBI (all 10 fingers). They are searched against the database of fingers on file to determine if the same person who made THEM also made ANOTHER set already on file. This establishes if the names are the same (ie. helps determine if an alias is attempting to be used) AND it allows the FBI to determine, if there are prints on file, the criminal history of the individual. If no prints are on file, those prints become the file. If there are already prints on file, those prints are merged with the others. Hope this helps! -Kasey |
Mike Tinervia
| Posted on Friday, January 25, 2002 - 05:22 pm: |
When a finger print is sent to the FBI for a criminal background check, is it just matched with finger prints of criminals or is it matched with the person’s own finger print in the FBI file for elaborate profiling? |