Lifting Prints from a DVD/Video game ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Posted on Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 10:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I was wondering if it was possible to lift prints from a DVD, X-Box, Playstation 2, or Gamecube disc case. The case, not the disc. Since the surface is relatively flat, I thought it might be possible, but others have said otherwise. Given the flexability of it, and other reasons.

I had several dozen DVDs stolen, but the thiefs browsed through the discs, before they took them. They conveniently left a couple behind, because they had a grocery store name on the discs. These discs were in my backyard, by accident, and we were gone less than 36 hours (in the middle of moving).

Because those discs had the grocer's name, I am sure they opened the discs. One was X-2 X-Men United.

Also, how do I get an account.

I do not like to use my full name anywhere. The name I am using, is my account name on a dozen other boards, and seems to be a relatively uncommon one. It refers to a Diamond Monster 3D II 3DFX gaming card, for a computer.

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