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alan (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2013 - 07:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

hello. i'm studying to be a programmer and for my project in the last year of my studies, i want to add a feature to one of the open source fingerprint sdk that will scale juvi fingerprints according to the youngster's age. I'm wondering if its a useful feature in the first place: if current fingerprint software has any trouble matching fingerprints between a 10 year old kid and the same kid 10 years later.

Now, why would a ten year old's fingerprints be in a national database: immigration mostly.

I got my idea from a paper from a German university called "Modeling the growth of fingerprints", that proposes this same feature to be implemented in their national fingerprint matching software. This seems to be an obvious, simple and useful thing to do. My kind of job ;)

Oh and Canada has also implemented a draconian law (in my humble opinion) that will force every visitor to the country to be fingerprinted. Now this visitor might come once at age 12 and then again at age 25 and the whole point is to recognize that its the same person. And the last application would be for obese people. You know, until 23 a person might be okay and then within 5 years a serious change in weight might occur; although my feature does not deal with this scenario directly.

So all in all, does Canada's Printrak or other fingerprint matching software (germany excluded, they seem to be okay) need a feature that can scale fingerprints as a function of age in order to match kids to adults? Now I dont imagine getting the national printrak's source code to add my feature to it, but is it a sensible thing to propose at least for the printrak system (or other systems outside of germany)?

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