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Webservant (Member)
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Post Number: 247
Registered: 03-1997
Posted on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 - 11:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

DNA can often be obtained from lip contact on cups, drinking bottles, drinking straws, etc., regardless of the quality of any lip impressions present.

Unless a person is about to die of dehydration, there is generally saliva present when they open their mouth to drink from a cup, bottle, straw, etc., ...but saliva does not have to be present to obtain DNA.

The application of lipstick would effect the quality of visible lip impressions, but does not necessarily preclude the ability to obtain the lipstick wearer's DNA from questioned impressions.
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Annika Mason (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, September 10, 2007 - 04:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Is it possible to gain DNA from lip prints and does there have to be saliva for this to be possible. Also does the application of lipstick affect a lip prints quality?

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