Course Length: Five (5) Days                           Click here to jump to Course Schedule

Instructor: Ivan R. Futrell  (540) 659 6450,  Fax (540) 657 1619
                                             Web Site:

Over 49 years experience in the science of fingerprints.  Retired FBI, Assistant Unit Chief, Latent Fingerprint Section, Laboratory Division, Washington, DC.  Thirty-seven years with the FBI.  Thirty years experience as a Latent Print Examiner with the FBI, including 10 years assigned to the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia as an Instructor of Fingerprint Identification.  Seven years of experience in classifying, searching and filing inked fingerprints.  From FBI retirement to present, employed as a consultant and instructor in the science of fingerprints.  Member of the International Association for Identification (IAI) and Fellow of The Fingerprint Society.
•    The focus of this course will be to acquaint the student with sufficient knowledge in order to identify the eight basic fingerprint patterns according to the Henry System of Fingerprint Classification as modified by the FBI.  This course will provide detailed instruction and practical application of fingerprint pattern interpretation.  Included in this course will be ridge counting, whorl tracings and an understanding of the NCIC fingerprint classification.

•    This course is designed for law enforcement personnel who will be working with Automated Fingerprint equipment or those who are studying to become Latent Print Examiners.

•    Course will provide the necessary knowledge to recognize and correctly orient fingerprint patterns.

•    A significant portion of this class will be spent on practical exercises in recognizing fingerprint patterns.

Note:  This course requires a classroom with sufficient lighting in order to view the study materials.  Student will need to bring a fingerprint magnifier.


Course Schedule