Our Photo Album


Click on the words or small images to see big ones
Updated 9 July 2019



Ed and Nannette camping in 1971 Spring 1971  

Ed shows Nannette the proper handling of an official Boy Scout shovel.
Nannette & Ed in Halloween Costumes Halloween

Ed and Nannette at a jogging club Halloween run.  It was a fun trail and party!  Ed tried to look like a gladiator, but most folks thought he looked like Fred Flintstone.
Two critters in our front yard Two critters in our front yard

In June '05, we spotted two critters in our front yard.  The praying mantis is always on that rock.  Can you spot a visitor hiding nearby?
Two The visitor

Here is a close-up of the secret visitor.
Nannette Rebuilt our Truck

We un-customized the front-end...
Red Ed Following Nannette's Directions

Nannette let Ed help some too...
Jet and Rella at the White House - December
Jet and Rella at the Commander in Chief's Home

Chad at AIT Chad at AIT
Chad smiling during More PT Drill Sergeant

Chad finds it smilingly easy

Nannette and Ed do the Orient

Click the image at the left or the link above to visit another page with images of our 2003 trip to the Far East

Snapped about
                      500 feet from our back door on 5 Jan 03
Nannette and Ed in our backyard park
                      home as seen from the valley at our backyard
This is our home as seen from across the valley in our backyard
About 500
                      feet from our backdoor is this stream
About 500 feet from our backdoor is this stream
We spotted
                      this fox in the woods on 5 Jan 03
We spotted this fox in the woods
Two foxes
                      photographed from our living room window on 5 Jan
Two foxes photographed from our living room
Our Backyard Park - from the living room picture window
Another of Our Park - from our living room
Can you spot the foxes? (from our living room)
Close-up of the foxes
A Deer in Our Yard
Deer in our
More Deer
This squirrel watches us
More squirrel fun
DC Tour Pictures Nov 2002 Mom, Sylvia,
                    Nannette and Dad Sylvia and
                    Memorial - Sylvia, Nannette, Dad, Larry and Mom Larry (Ed's
                    Brother) is a VN Vet - His first visit to the wall.
The Wall Larry makes a
                    rubbing of the name of our friend who died in the
Steve Lowe was a
                    fellow boy scout and high school friend. Larry as we leave
                    the wall.
The tomb of
                    the Unknown Soldier. The
                    changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown
JFK's grave
Sometimes DC
                    traffic is less than pleasant.
Nannette Inventories the Movers - 1 Nov 2002
                      grasshoppers on our floor
These two were in our kitchen
Nannette and Ed
                      just before her Graduation
Nannette and Ed in 1971
Nannette at
                      Graduation time in 1971
Nannette in 1971
Ed applying his
                      corn tassle experience
Another in '71
Nannette watches
                      hard work, Ed holds a pet
Nannette watches Jeff "dig it" while Ed rests
under the table holding a pet - '71
                      Dressed Up
All Dressed Up
Rella, Jeanette
                      and Michelle
Rella, Jeanette and Michelle
George as a young
George as a young MP