whorl pattern Ivan R. Futrell
Experience and Training

Professional Certification

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Experience and Training

Retired August 3, 1997 after 37 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Laboratory Division, Latent Fingerprint Section, Washington, DC  20535

August 1997 - Present

Fingerprint Technology Consultant and Instructor.

• Taught forensic courses in the development, preservation, evaluation, comparison and identification of latent prints; classification of fingerprints; preparation of court exhibits; and presentation of expert testimony in judiciary proceedings.  Lectured on fingerprint matters throughout the United States and Slovakia.

• Performed latent print examinations and re-evaluations of specimens for latent prints, comparisons and verifications of latent print identifications conducted by other examiners, at the request of prosecutors, defense attorneys, investigators and others involved in civil matters.

Member of the parent body of the International Association for Identification (IAI) and a Life active member of the Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification.  Fellow of The Fingerprint Society.

April 1996 - August 1997

Served as Assistant Unit Chief of the Latent Fingerprint Section.

• Supervised the management of the Latent Print Photographic Unit and the Latent Case Management Center, which support the forensic examinations conducted in the Latent Fingerprint Section.

• As the Training Officer for the Latent Fingerprint Section, provided up-to-date instruction to Section personnel on new examination techniques, materials, chemicals and technology.  Responsible for the assignment of personnel to represent the FBI during speaking engagements in all matters relative to latent print examinations, disaster victim identification and other work programs of the Section.  Maintained liaison with the FBI's fifty-six Field Training Coordinators and provided them with fingerprint instructors as needed for police schools throughout the United States.

• Served as full assistant to the top technical supervisor sharing in and assisting in all phases of work in the Section.  Participated in the final technical review of completed assignments and shared in making final decisions on technical questions involving expert forensic examinations.

February 1991 - April 1996

Supervised and was responsible for the work product of 7-10 Latent Fingerprint Specialists in the day-to-day handling of latent print cases.  This included:

• The processing of crime scene evidentiary materials by chemical, laser and alternative light sources or physical means for the development of latent prints.

• The evaluation and comparison of latent prints and responsible for the final approval in the reporting of identifications with the very minimal number of points of identification.

• The use of computerized equipment for informational searches, tracking cases and conducting latent print searches against inked print files.

• Maintaining the proper chain of custody of evidence and complying with the Laboratory Division evidence control policy.

• The preparation of notes, reports and other forms of communication pertaining to examinations conducted.

• All phases of presentation and court procedures including preparation of charted enlargements and conferring on a daily basis with prosecutors, police officers, agents, etc. regarding court testimony and other fingerprint matters.

• Instruction in all phases of fingerprint identification and the use of fingerprint equipment in specialized police schools and advanced latent fingerprint schools throughout the United States.  Assisted in training of new examiners assigned to the Latent Fingerprint Section.

• Coordinated and participated in a research project of developing latent prints on human skin for approximately four years.  This research was published in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin in April, 1996 and titled "Hidden Evidence, Latent Prints on  Human Skin."

• Supervised teams of Fingerprint Specialists who served as members of the FBI's Disaster Squad in identifying disaster victims.

July 1981 - February 1991

Assigned to the FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia as an Instructor of Fingerprint Identification.

• Responsible for coordinating training program schedules, maintaining liaison with other academic units of the Academy, other Divisions of the FBI, Federal, State and Local agencies and guest instructors from the private sector.

 • Instructed in all phases of the Science of Fingerprints to members of the FBI, DEA, National Academy, other Federal, State and Local Police agencies.

• Taught latent print schools and lectured on fingerprint matters throughout the United States, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Australia and England.

• Supervised other instructors in teaching certain specialized forensic classes.

June 1967 - July 1981

After receiving extensive classroom and on-the-job training in handling latent print cases, was certified as a Latent Print Specialist by the FBI.

• Conducted latent print examinations in such crimes as homicide, bank robbery, extortion, kidnapping and numerous other cases submitted to the Latent Fingerprint Section.

• Testified as an expert to finger and palm print identifications in Federal and State courts and military courts-martial numerous times.

• Processed crime scenes for latent prints in major cases throughout the United States and the Virgin Islands.

June 1960 - June 1967

Received training for approximately six months in the classification, filing and
identification of inked fingerprints.

• Classified inked fingerprints, searched and compared them with inked file cards in an effort to effect positive identifications.

• Performed duties in all phases of inked print work.


Professional Certification

Certified by the FBI as a Fingerprint Specialist (Latent Print Examiner) until retirement.  


Services Available

  • Latent Print Examination and General Fingerprint Training

  • Latent Print Office Evaluation and Inspection

  • Examination of Evidence for Latent Finger and Palm Prints

  • Comparison of Latent Prints and Inked (record) Finger and Palm Prints
  • Re-examination of Latent Print Evidence
  • Expert Consultant for Most Aspects of Forensic Science Related to Fingerprint Identification and Latent Print Examination


Contact Info

Click on the Envelope to 
E-mail Ivan Futrell

FBI Disclaimer

The Federal Bureau Investigation endorses no private experts.  Contents of these pages do NOT purport to represent any endorsement, opinion or statements by the FBI, United States Department of Justice, or any other agency or organization.  Ivan R. Futrell's certification by the FBI as a Fingerprint Specialist (Latent Print Examiner) ceased to exist upon his retirement from the Bureau. 



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Page Updated 13 November 2009