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Latent Print Examination » Questions from FP Experts for FP Experts... Processing, Testimony, and Technical Matters » ABC FSAT - Exam Prep « Previous Next »

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Randy Hoffman (Psucsi)
Username: Psucsi

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2010
Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - 09:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I have been asked to do 3-4 hours of lecture in a Forensic Science 400 level course which is aimed at helping students prepare for the ABC FSAT exam. I did this last semester and covered some history, some classification, doing comparisons, and some legal issues. Another person is handling the processing end of latent prints. I am not looking to "teach the test" but I would like to know if the information I am providing is in the ballpark. ABC is very tight lipped on the matter - which I can appreciate. But if anyone has taken this exam and can give me some guidance as to appropriate subject matter, I would appreciate it. I just want to do right by the students.

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