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Latent Print Examination » Questions from FP Experts for FP Experts... Processing, Testimony, and Technical Matters » How to Answer Questions about Other Persons' CLPE Status « Previous Next »

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Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 09:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Someone wrote to me today about the absence of a JFI notice regarding CLPE revocations related to the Spanish Train Bombing/Mayfield error. They also wrote that a few weeks ago, a Certified Latent Print Examiner testifying in court was asked by defense why the certifications of those persons had not been revoked. The Latent Print Examiner did not know how to respond.

The certifications in question had been revoked and information was available online for relatively quick reference.

A Latent Print Examiner should never assume that they know the current status of CLPEs nor that conjecture about CLPE revocation from a defense attorney is accurate.

If ever queried on the witness stand about other persons' CLPE status, answer that you do not personally know the current status of their certifications, but that you can attempt to get that information for the court during the next recess.

During the recess, go to the IAI website or Google "Certified Latent Print Examiner" and you can find the current roster as well as contact information for the LPCB Secretary.

Even if the LPCB always promptly published certification revocations in the JFI, the process of revocation sometimes takes up to a year (from after the time someone actually files a complaint) due to procedural delays and the due process afforded parties involved. There is also lag time between when notices are received and when they are published in the JFI.

The version of the CLPE roster posted online since 2 Dec 04 is minus the names of persons revoked for cause related to the Mayfield error (and also minus those persons who did not reapply for certification within 12 months after certification expiration).

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