Administrator (Admin)
Moderator Username: Admin
Post Number: 74 Registered: 07-2006
| Posted on Monday, October 22, 2018 - 09:32 pm: |
Updated 22 Oct 2018This website practices good netiquette. Simply put ... netiquette are well-established common practices, manners, customs and established procedures of internet culture and discourse. It generally means being polite on the Internet.
You may post questions and answers in the following areas:• Homework Questions - Elementary through University • General Questions from Non-Fingerprint Experts • Upcoming Meetings • Upcoming Training Courses • I am looking for a job in Fingerprints/Latent Print Examination • Questions from FP Experts for FP Experts... Processing, Testimony, and Technical Matters • AFIS Questions and Answers • Miscellaneous Postings • Personal News About and For Fingerprint Experts There are two posting areas on the Forum that are not for general use and are restricted to postings only from Forum Moderators: • Forum Posting Guidelines • Help Wanted The Help Wanted area is restricted to preclude false job ads, thus persons reading postings can know that at least some checking on the legitimacy of the job ad has been done.
Is the Latent Print Examination Forum censored? Yes, we do EDIT this forum!
What are the real No-No's on the Forum - or how to anger the Webservants/Moderators:a.) Profanity and/or name calling. b.) Hateful postings, of any kind, attacking people for their nationality, race, creed, marital choice, eating habits, dating preferences, salary, hair-color, etc. Such public postings serve no positive purpose for the Latent Print Examination discipline or the larger community in which we live. c.) Obviously inflammatory postings which will start-up threads of offensive counter-postings. This is a non-political forum so we edit abrasive political postings as well; d.) Subject lines of postings primarily in ALL CAPS* ... a cardinal rule of netiquette ... don't do it; e.) Abuse by businesses who try to use the Forum to get visitors to buy products, services or visit their website; Can I complain about threads I'm reading on the Forum? Yes, we welcome visitor feedback. If you feel a thread is becoming offensive, just write and tell us. Your e-mail will most likely speed up a deletion of the thread from the Forum. Send your complaints to ed [at] onin.com. If we get several complaints about particular postings in a thread, we are likely to delete the entire thread as it is obviously leading to offensive postings.
Foreign Language usage on this forum This web site uses English because the Webservant primarily communicates in English. Your Webservants and many Latent Print Examiners are multi-lingual, but we don't have enough hours in the day or the dozens of moderator volunteers that would be required to translate and monitor postings in all the languages in which visitors to this forum are fluent.
What do I do if the Forum software isn't working correctly? If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please send an email to ed [at]onin.com and we'll do our best to solve the problem! Please tell us: what browser and version you are using; what page the error/s occured on; what you were trying to do and where it went wrong. What About posting articles or stories into the Forum so that everyone may share them? There are many thousands of interesting stories circulating widely on the Internet as email attachments you receive from your friends. Such stories are often a delight for everyone to share. Please ONLY post a link to the interesting story, article, etc., for others to visit and read for themselves. This Forum does not normally repost content readily available elsewhere. If you receive an interesting story forwarded to you as an email attachment, you can normally also find it in many other places on the web. With a tiny bit of effort, you can usually cut-and-paste a sentence from the story or article into a Google search (www.google.com) and find links to versions already posted on the www. Copy and paste one of those links into the Forum for your friends to enjoy.