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Tatenda Chaibva
Posted on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 05:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints, this is because of the biological nature in which fingerprints are created. Though there is some indication of there being a link to ginetics ie DNA the majority of the influence on the development of fingerprints is environmental. As a result even if they have the same DNA they have different fingerprints.
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Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 05:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

are the fingerprints processed for reference points such as core,delta etc before the minutiae matching?
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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 01:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

do identical twins have identical fingerprint?

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