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Latent Print Examination » AFIS Questions and Answers » Seeking to Exchange AFIS Bid Spec (RFQ) Sample Wording with other agencies « Previous Next »

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John Froude
Posted on Monday, April 01, 2002 - 12:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

The Army Crime Lab is now drafting bid specification wording for an AFIS planned for acquisition within the next two years. Assistance and coordination is sought from government employees (no vendor contacts please) who have prepared such bid specifications at metropolitan police agencies or smaller state crime labs (or ID bureaus) in recent years. We are seeking to review your wording and make sure we cover all the bases.

If you are willing to exchange information, do not post anything on the Forum, but please contact Mr. John Froude, AFIS Coordinator at the Army Crime Lab's Latent Print Divison, e-mail:, phone (404) 469-7037. Again, no vendor calls please.

Thank you,

John H. Froude, Jr., CLPE
AFIS Coordinator
(404) 469-7037

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